How do I share my form?

You can share your form anytime by going to Share → Social & URL in the Form Editor.

Access your form's URL and other sharing options from the Form Editor by clicking Share → Social & URL.

There are several different methods available on the share screen:

  • Link - Copy your form's URL to share it on social media, add it as a link on your website, or include it in messages and email newsletters.
  • QR Code - You can easily share your form as a QR code with people using mobile devices by clicking the button to the right of the form link.
  • Facebook and Twitter - Share your form directly on Facebook and Twitter with the dedicated buttons.
The Social & URL Menu contains a link to your form, a button to generate a QR code, and dedicated buttons for sharing on Facebook and Twitter.


Alternatively, you can embed your form in your website using our Embed Codes. Check out our Embedding Guide for the available embedding methods and options.

Share Template

You can make your form a template to share with other people on Paperform. Click Share → Share Template to get started. You can choose to restrict the use of your template to specific users or share a publicly-accessible URL with anyone who wants to use a copy of your form.