The submit button will be visible on your live form; however, it won't appear in the body of the form editor. You can view and edit the appearance of the Submit button by going to Theme (waterdrop icon) → UI Elements → Submit Button.

View a preview of the Submit Button by going to Theme → UI Elements → Submit Button

By default, the Submit Button will always appear immediately after the last visible question on the form. If you would like to move it down to appear after text or content displayed after the last question, you can add a Hidden Field where you would like the Submit Button to appear. The respondent will never see this question, but it will force the Submit Button to be displayed further along on your form. To add a Hidden Field to your form, follow our step-by-step instructions below:

Using slash commands

  1. On a blank line in the form editor, type /hidden and select "Hidden" from the popup menu.
  2. Enter details for the question title and description. We recommend adding a note about why this field was added.
On a blank line, type "/hidden" and select "Hidden" from the popup menu.

Using action buttons

  1. In the form editor, click the line where you want to add an appointment field. Click the "Add questions" icon to the left or the "Add Question" button below an existing question.

    Select a blank line, and click the Add questions icon from the popup menu on the left, or click the Add Question icon below a previous question.
  2. Select "Hidden" from the question type dropdown on the right of the new question.

  3. Enter details for the question title and description. We recommend adding a note about why this field was added.


  • If the last question on the form is hidden by conditional logic or is on a page or section that is hidden by conditional logic, the submit button will appear below the last visible question.