How do I close or disable submissions on a form?

You can disable or close submissions on any form by navigating to Configure → Form Behaviour → Form Availability.

From here you can configure when submissions are disabled.

Disable submissions configuration options.Disable submissions configuration options.

Disable submissions configuration options

  • Disable submissions - This feature turns off the submissions of the form manually.
  • Disable after a maximum number of submissions - When the form hits the specified number of submissions, then submissions will be closed automatically.
  • Submissions open after date/time - If the current time is before the specified date and time, then submissions will be closed.
  • Submissions close after date/time -If the current time is after the specified date and time, then submissions will be closed.

If any of the above options are met, the form’s submissions will be closed.

Submissions closed messaging

When the submissions are closed, by default a message is displayed saying “Submissions are closed”. This text message can be changed using a custom translation.

On selected plans, you can also create a custom closed submissions page by navigating to Configure → Form Behaviour → Custom Closed Submissions Page and toggling on "Custom Closed Submissions Page"

Editing the custom closed submissions page is just like editing a form (click and type, select text to change headings, insert images, videos, etc).